Reproduction reference – Daktronics DF-12xx User Manual

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Reproduction Reference

ED-15089 – P1279

DataMaster Gasoline Price Displays

1. This page is for reproduction reference only and will not be included in the manual.

2. This manual is to be copied on FRONT AND BACK PAGES –8 ½ x 11 paper.

3. Note: The first and second pages, Cover Page and Copyright Page, use the front of the page

(blank on back). Section heading pages always start on a new page; they never start on the back
of another page.

4. Insert the drawings into Appendix A. Use the drawing list in Appendix A to print and arrange the

drawings. Print C-size as B-size.

Insert ED-13481 within Appendix B.

6. Insert ED-13965 within Appendix C.

7. Insert ED-13960 within Appendix D.

8. All sections and all Appendices are to be tabbed with the following labels:

Section 1:


Section 2:

Mechanical Installation

Section 3:

Electrical Installation

Section 4:

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Section 5:

Gas Price Display Operation

App A:

Reference Drawings

App B:

DataMaster FAQ


App C:

Gas Price Quick Install


App D:

Gas Price Quick Start


9. Use a blue window cover and a blue back.

10. Punch all pages, window cover and back cover along the left edge and bind with a binder.

11. Please direct questions and suggestions to Engineering Support.