Administrator guide – Code Blue IP1500 VOIP SPEAKERPHONE User Manual

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Code Blue

259 Hedcor Street

Holland, MI 49423 USA



page 25 of 66

IP1500 and IP2500 Series

Administrator Guide

Configuring an IAX Account

Either of the speakerphone’s two accounts can be configured to register to a VoIP system via IAX.

(Note, however, that only one of the two accounts may be configured as IAX - the speakerphone

does not support two simultaneous IAX accounts.)

Configuration is as follows:

• Set the VoIP Protocol to IAX.

• For Description, enter a name the speakerphone will use internally to refer to this account.

• For Username/Number, enter the number that the speakerphone will use for IAX addressing.

This will often be the extension number in a VoIP-based PBX.

• For Display Name, enter the display name the speakerphone will send in IAX transactions. This

will often be the calling name of the extension.

• For Domain, enter the domain the speakerphone will use in its IAX address.

• For Registrar, enter the address of the IAX server the speakerphone should register and send

outbound calls to. If this is the same as the domain, you can leave this field blank.

• For Registrar Port, enter an IP port number the speakerphone will register and send outbound

calls to. Typically, this should be left at 0.

• For Username and Password, set the username and password the speakerphone will use

to authenticate to the domain and outbound proxy. Note that the username is used for

authentication only and need not match the Username/Number field if the VoIP system does not

expect it to.

• For Registration Lifetime, enter the time in seconds the speakerphone will request that its

registration be valid for. The speakerphone will automatically re-register before this time period


• You can adjust the DTMF

Threshhold value if you

have difficulties with the

speakerphoneactivating in-call

commands when no DTMF is
