Cadac CDC four User Manual

Page 68

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Revision 1 2012-13


Default Scene
Initially, the only scene in the list is Default. This scene is constant, and cannot be

deleted, altered or over-written. Recalling this scene will return the entire mixer

to a factory default state, with all channel parameters effectively “reset”. This

function is useful when resetting the mixer for a new project, but should be used

with caution otherwise!

Insert a Scene
New Scenes may be added to the Scene list by pressing Softkey 1 (Insert). This

copies the contents of the Current Scene memory (see above) into a new Scene

in the list. This Scene will be named NEW_SCENE, but may be subsequently

renamed (see below).

Renaming Scenes:
To rename a Scene, move the red box to the Scene name in the second column

(Name) – e.g., NEW_SCENE. Press ENTER, and a pop-up list will appear,

enabling the Scene name to be changed. Press Softkey 5 (Reset Name) to clear

the field. Use the ADJUST knob to scroll to the first character of the new name

from the pop-up list and then press the RIGHT cursor key and repeat. Continue

this process until all the characters have been entered as required. Note that

both upper and lower case letters, numbers and other characters are available; a

space character can be found after the upper case letters.

Overwriting Scenes:
To save the mixer’s current settings into an existing Scene, select the required

Scene by moving the red box in the displayed list, and press either the SAVE key,

or Softkey 4 (Save). This will over-write the existing Scene.

Recalling Scenes:










To recall a previously saved scene, use the ADJUST control to move the red box

to the required scene in the Scene List (any column), and press either RCL or

Softkey 3 (Recall). This will replace the mixer’s current settings with those from

the memory. Any channel level differences in the currently-selected layer will be

implemented by movements of the motorised faders.

The sequence of scenes making up the Scene list may be stepped through one

at a time by pressing the green N button (Next). At any time, the previous scene

in the list may be recalled by pressing the red P button (Previous).

Deleting scenes
A Scene may be deleted from the Scene list by selecting, and pressing either the

DEL button or Softkey 2 (Delete).

Shortcut Scene Recall
User keys U1 to U4 may be assigned as shortcut triggers, which will recall any

Scene in the list, removing the necessity to scroll through the list. To assign a

Scene to one of the User keys, move the red box to Column 3 (Action) for the

required Scene, and press ENTER. Scroll to one of the four User keys in the