Cadac CDC four User Manual
Page 59

Revision 1 2012-13
Rotor Fast
Once a Preset has been selected, the effect may be modified as required by
adjusting its various parameters:
Filtering – the Modulation module is provided with variable-frequency hi-pass
and lo-pass shelving filters which may be used to select the band of frequencies
that the Modulation will apply to. The lo-pass filter turnover frequency is adjusted
with the LS Frequency control, which has a range of 20 to 200 Hz, with a default
value of 100 Hz. The LS Gain control has a range of ±18 dB. Similarly, the HS
controls affect the higher frequencies; HS Frequency has a range of 1.5 to 15
kHz with a default value of 6.3 kHz; the HS Gain range is also ±18 dB.
Modulation – the Modulation rate and Intensity controls adjust the frequency
and amount of modulation respectively. The controls’ ranges are in arbitrary units,
from 50 to 200, with default values of 100.
Sends – the Send Reverb and Send Delay controls send the Modulation
module’s output to the Reverb and Delay modules respectively.
Modulation output – the output level to the FX return channel from the Modulation
module is adjusted with the Modul Out control. A Modul Pan control is also
Module 2 - Delay
The Delay module is an audio delay line configured specifically for musical use.
The module can generate single or multiple echoes at time intervals which may
specified in terms of BPM, and can be set by the user using a Tap Tempo feature.
Six delay presets are provided, which may selected with the Preset control:
One Echo 1/4
Two Echo 1/8
Three Echo 1/16
Three Echo 1/16 Delayed
Four Echo 1/16
One Echo 1/4 with 4 Reflect.
Once a Preset has been selected, the delay effect may be modified as required
by adjusting its various parameters.
Filtering – the Delay module is provided with the same variable-frequency hi-pass
and lo-pass shelving filters as the Modulation module. The LS Frequency, LS
Gain, HS Frequency and HS Gain controls have the same functions, parameter
ranges and default values.
Delay time - may be set as a BPM value, using the Tempo control (range 40
to 240 BPM) in conjunction with the Factor control. The Factor control has a
range of 0 to 13 (arbitrary units), with a default value of 8. With Factor set to 8,
the Delay Time (displayed below the Factor control) is based on one repeat per
beat; i.e., with a BPM of 120 and Factor set to 8, the delay time will be 500 ms.
Setting Factor to 9 doubles the delay time to 1 s; setting it to 7 halves it to 250 ms.
The maximum delay available from the Delay Module is 2 s.