Cadac CDC four User Manual

Page 64

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Revision 1 2012-13


assigned to the CAM may be soloed with the CAM’s SOLO button, or the on-

screen Solo button using screen navigation in the normal manner.

The action of the SOLO buttons in combination may be controlled with the HOLD

button. When HOLD is not selected, the SOLO buttons are interlocking, and

pressing a second SOLO button while one is already active will deselect the first;

only one channel may be soloed at a time.

With HOLD selected, the SOLO buttons become latching and remain selected

when pressed until a second press deselects it. Additional channels may be

soloed simultaneously, allowing the monitoring of multiple channels. The CLEAR

button may be used to deselect all SOLO buttons currently active with a single

button press.

Softkey 6 (Hold) is the on-screen equivalent of the hardware HOLD button.

Softkey 7 (Clear) is the on-screen equivalent of the hardware CLEAR button.


The on-screen Solo module allows the Solo system to be configured to suit

individual requirements. The SOLO buttons in mic/line channels, stereo channels,

Aux channels and Groups may be individually selected to operate in PFL (mono)

or AFL (stereo) mode, with the on-screen Channels, St Channels, Auxes and

Groups buttons respectively.

Channels soloed in PFL mode will route the pre-fade signal to the solo system,

thus the fader position and mute button will not affect the signal being monitored.

The PFL signal is, however, post all DSP processing, so the effect of EQ, dynamics

and delay can be checked. If stereo channels or the FX channels are solo’d in

PFL mode, a mono sum of the left and right legs is heard.

Channels soloed in AFL mode will route the post-fade, post-panpot signal to the

solo system; thus stereo channels will be heard correctly in stereo, and a mono

signal will be heard in its correct position in the stereo image. Fader and mute will

affect the solo signal.

When a Group is soloed in AFL mode, the post-fade, post-panpot signal is routed

to the monitor mix.

When an Aux. send is solo’d in either mode, the signal is always mono, but pre-

fade in the case of PFL, and post-fade for AFL.