System 62 – Cadac CDC four User Manual
Page 62

Revision 1 2012-13
The System page provides controls for the CDC FOUR’s oscillator, talkback
routing, monitor control functions and Solo system control. The page is divided
in four Modules, plus an area on the right for PFL and AFL metering. Most of the
controls on these pages have no hardware equivalents, and are selected and
adjusted by using the cursor keys and the ADJUST control.
The CDC FOUR’s line-up oscillator can generate a sine wave, white noise or pink
noise for system test or alignment, or for room equalisation purposes.
The oscillator is enabled by pressing Softkey 1 (OSC On/Off). The Type button
selects the oscillator output signal – Sine, White (Noise) or Pink (Noise). When
Sine is selected, a Freq control becomes available; in this mode, the oscillator
has a range from 10 Hz to 10 kHz. The Oscillator output level is adjusted with the
OSC Level control.
The routing buttons allow the oscillator signal to be routed to any combination of:
L & R –
Stereo master buss
1 to 4 –
Groups 1 to 4
A1 to A8 –
Aux busses 1 to 8