Table 1-3. power supply specifications – Basler Electric BE1-87T User Manual

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9171300990 Rev V

BE1-87T General Information



In accordance with IEC 255-5 and ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1989,

one minute dielectric (high potential) tests, as follows:
All circuits to ground: 2,121 Vdc
Input to output circuits: 1,500 Vac or 2,121 Vdc

Power Supply

Refer to Table 1-3.

Table 1-3. Power Supply Ratings



Input Voltage

Input Voltage Range

Burden at


K (midrange)

48 Vdc

24 to 150 Vdc

9.0 W

J (midrange)

125 Vdc

24 to 150 Vdc

9.0 W

120 Vac

90 to 132 Vac

21.0 VA

L (low range)

24 Vdc

12 to 32 Vdc *

9.0 W

Y (midrange)

48 Vdc

24 to 150 Vdc

8.5 W

125 Vdc

24 to 150 Vdc

9.0 W

Z (high range)

250 Vdc

68 to 280 Vdc

9.5 W

240 Vac

90 to 270 Vac

28.0 VA


Type L power supply initially requires 14 Vdc to begin operating. Once operating, the input voltage may

be reduced to 12 Vdc and operation will continue.

Surge Withstand Capability

Qualified to ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1-1989, Standard Surge

Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Protective Relays and

Relay Systems, and IEC 255-5 Impulse Test and Dielectric


Radio Frequency Interference


Maintains proper operation when tested in accordance with

IEEE C37.90.2-1987, Trial-Use Standard Withstand

Capability of Relay Systems to Radiated Electromagnetic

Interference from Transceivers.

UL Recognition

UL Recognized per Standard 508, UL File No. E97033. Note:

Output contacts are not UL Recognized for voltages greater

than 250 V.

GOST-R Certification

GOST-R certified per the relevant standards of Gosstandart

of Russia.


Patented in U.S., 1991, U.S. Patent No. 5014153.
Patented in Canada, 1993.


In standard tests, the relay has withstood 15 g in each of

three mutually perpendicular axes without structural damage

or degradation of performance.


In standard tests, the relay has withstood 2 g in each of three

mutually perpendicular axes swept over the range of 10 to

500 Hz for a total of six sweeps, 15 minutes each sweep,

without structural damage or degradation of performance.

Operating Temperature

40°C (–40°F) to 70°C (158°F)

Storage Temperature

65°C (–85°F) to 100°C (212°F)