Verification tests: 5 amp ct, 50 or 60 hz units, Restrained pickup verification, Verification tests: 5 amp ct, 50 or 60 hz units -9 β Basler Electric BE1-87T User Manual
Page 105: Restrained pickup verification -9

9171300990 Rev V
BE1-87T Test Procedures
Verification Tests: 5 Amp CT, 50 or 60 Hz Units
Current supplied to the BE1-87T input terminals must not exceed 20 A
continuous or 250 A for 1 second. Whenever 20 A must be exceeded,
provisions must be made to cut off the sensing current automatically after a
suitable time interval. Sensing current can be calculated by using the following
πΌπΌ =
K = 250 or 50 x tap, whichever is less
t = the time (in seconds) that the current flows.
Restrained Pickup Verification
Step 1. Connect the relay as appropriate (refer to Figures 5-1 through 5-4) beginning with input
terminals 11 and 13 for the initial tests. Do not apply power at this time.
Step 2. Observing the precautions provided in Section 4, Relay Dissassembly, remove the relay from
its case. Then remove the front panel to gain access to the printed circuit boards.
Step 3. Remove the Analog #1 board (one per phase) as shown in Figure 4-19. Connect the Input-
Grounding jumpers to the disabled position. Refer to Figure 4-20 for relays with Option 1-0 and
Figure 4-21 for relays with Option 1-1 for correct positioning. For further information, see
Grounding Unused Inputs
in Section 4.
After testing is complete (and prior to placing the relay in service), it may be necessary to
reposition the jumpers.
Step 4. Three-Phase Units Only: Check that all of the 30Β° Phase Shift Compensation jumpers on the
Analog Board #2, shown in Figure 4-27, are in the WYE position. If not, reposition these
jumpers accordingly.
It is possible to test three-phase units without changing the 30Β° Phase Shift
Compensation jumpers from the in-service positions. Refer to Testing Three-
Phase Relays without Changing Jumpers, at the end of this section.
Step 5. Replace all circuit boards and reassemble the relay.
Step 6. Refer to Table 1-1 and Figure 1-2 for multiples of tap and percentage restraint characteristics.
Set the
RESTRAINED PICKUP LEVEL switches and the INPUT 1 and INPUT 2 tap switches
to the values shown in Table 5-1.
Step 7. Apply power to the relay. Apply input current as indicated in Table 5-1 for each input, then
reduce the Input 2 current or increase the Input 1 current until the
REST. TRIP LED lights. This
should occur as the input current being adjusted reaches the level given in the Trip Amperes
column for the respective input.
Step 8. If the relay has more than two inputs, reconnect the relay by substituting the Input 3 terminals
for the Input 2 terminals. Then repeat Steps 6 and 7, using the Input 2 values of Table 5-1 for
Input 3.