Avery Dennison 7410 MonarchNet2 Smart Relay User Manual
Page 5
C o n f i g u r i n g t h e P a r t n e r P r i n t e r
The partner printer must be configured to 115200 Baud, No parity, 8-bit word
length, 1 stop bit, and XON/XOFF flow control.
1. Select Setup, Port Settings, then Serial Comm from the partner printer’s
Main Menu. If password protection in enabled, press Feed/Cut three
times, then press Enter/Pause before you see the Setup Menu options.
2. Select Baud Rate and use Å or Æ to scroll until you see 115200. Press
3. Use Å or Æ to select Word Length. Scroll until you see 8. Press
4. Use Å or Æ to select Stop Bits. Scroll until you see 1. Press
5. Use Å or Æ to select Parity. Scroll until you see None. Press
6. Use Å or Æ to select Flow Control. Scroll until you see XON-XOFF.
Press Enter/Pause.
U s i n g t h e S m a r t R e l a y T e l n e t C o m m a n d s
See the following list of commands to configure the primary printer.
Note: As a shortcut, you can type only the upper-case letters, instead of
the whole command.
Set Commands
SET options:
Sets the Printer console mode commands
Sets the Smart Relay configuration
Sets the Smart Relay Partner
Identification (port) number to None (no
partner printer) or S2 (partner printer
connected to serial port 2). The default
is None.
FILter [OFF|NONE|RFID|NONRFID] Sets the Smart Relay Filter to Off (does
not forward any data), None (forwards
ALL data to primary AND partner printer),
RFID (forwards RFID batches to the
partner printer), or non-RFID (forwards
non-RFID batches to the partner printer).
The default is None.