Avery Dennison 7410 MonarchNet2 Smart Relay User Manual
Page 3
The primary printer does not forward any of the following to the partner
♦ online configuration packets
♦ immediate commands
♦ status polling (ENQ) requests
♦ ADK scripts
If an XOFF character is received, the primary printer stops processing MPCL
data, until an XON character is received. The primary printer displays
“Please Wait… Partner Printer” while it tries to resend data to the partner
Pressing Escape/Clear on the primary printer exits Smart Relay mode for
the current batch, so the primary printer does not send the current batch to
the partner printer.
When the primary printer is in Smart Relay mode, you see “Smart Relay
Ready.” If you print a Network Test label, Smart Relay information appears
on the bottom of the label, indicating this printer is a primary printer.
A b o u t t h e P a r t n e r P r i n t e r
The partner printer can be a Monarch
9855 or 9860 printer. The partner
printer is unaware that it is a “partner printer.” It can accept data from other
sources besides the primary printer. Since the partner printer can accept
data from multiple sources, formats/batches can be overwritten.
Note: Use unique format numbers. If you do not have a unique format
number, always precede the batch with the format you want to print.
For example, send the data to the printer in this order: {Format}
{Batch} {Format} {Batch}. Otherwise, unexpected results or
errors may occur.
The partner printer must be configured to specific communication settings.
See “Configuring the Partner Printer” for more information.
Formats, fonts, graphics, and batches are limited to the amount of available
memory in the partner printer. If you send a batch that does not print, check
the available memory in the partner printer.
Note: The display and test label for the partner printer do not indicate that
it is a partner printer.