Introduction – Audio Enhancement Product Manual User Manual
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1 . Allen, L . (1993) . Promoting the usefulness of classroom amplification equipment . Educational Audiology Monograph 3, 32-34 .
2 . Flexer, Carol (2002) Univeristy of Akron
3 . Flexer, Carol (1993) . “Classroom Management of Children with Hearing Loss: Preferential Seating is NOT enough” presentation . San Francisco,
CA 8/14/93 .
When asked to rank the importance of nine different types of equipment used in classroom instruction,
• 34%
of teachers in general education ranked classroom amplification most important . This
ranks it above the overhead projector, which came in second at 18%, and the computer at 16%.
• 75%
of a child’s school day is spent engaged in listening activities.
• 90%
of a young child’s knowledge is attributed to incidental reception of a conversation around
them .
AUDIO ENHANCEMENT has been creating
technologically advanced products that
exceed expectations for over 25 years .
Designed by caring professionals for those
who teach the future leaders of America,
your infrared (IR) classroom amplification
system is an important step in improving the
learning environment .
Your infrared classroom system represents
a breakthrough in classroom amplification .
It assures you the clarity and interference
free performance you expect, even with
large numbers of systems at use in the same
building .
Please read through this manual before
installing and using your IR system, and refer
to it often . Our staff is available to answer
any questions that may arise at 1-800-383-
9362 .