Fwrite – Argox PA-20 Programming Guide User Manual

Page 55

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PT-20 Programming Guide


non-zero value.


Purpose: Use _fwrite to write a specified number of data itmes, each of a given size,

from a buffer to the current position in a file opened for buffered output. The

current position is updated after the write.


size_t _fwrite(const void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count, _TFILE


Example call:

numwrite = _fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), 80, outfile);


#include “SDK.h”


The _fwrite function writes count data items, each of size bytes, to the file

specified by the argument file_pointer, starting at the current position. After

the write operation is complete, the current position is updated. The data to

be written is in the buffer whose address is passed to _fwrite in the

argument buffer.

Returns: The _fwrite function returns the number of items it actually wrote.