AMETEK SLH Series RevC User Manual

Page 69

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Sorensen SLH-Series DC High Power Electronic Load

Remote Programming

(and vice versa) for proper dynamic waveform definition; if not, the SLH-series Electronic
Load will adjust and limit the programmed values to be equal. The adjustment matches
the second input value to the first input value.
This means that if the value for the LOW level is input first, and then the HIGH level
value is input as less than the programmed LOW level, the SLH-series load module will
adjust the HIGH level to be equal to the LOW level. If the value for the HIGH level is
input first and the LOW level value is input as higher than the programmed HIGH level,
the SLH-series load module will adjust the LOW level to be equal to the HIGH level.

c. If the programmed load resistance level is over the maximum rated specification, the full

scale resistance will be sent to the load module.

d. Engineering unit for load resistance is Ohms.
e. Please refer to the Appendix for the programming flow chart for the SLH-series

electronic load.

CR:LOW 0.123 set LOW level load resistance to 0.123 OHM.
CR:HIGH 3.456789 set HIGH level load resistance to 3.456789 OHM.


The load voltage setting in Constant Voltage mode.

Command Syntax :




a. The load voltage data must include the decimal point; otherwise, this command will not

execute. The load voltage level can be programmed up to the sixth place after the
decimal point.

b. The HIGH level load voltage MUST be higher than the LOW level load voltage (and vice

versa) for proper dynamic waveform definition; if not, the SLH-series Electronic Load will
adjust and limit the programmed values to be equal. The adjustment matches the
second input value to the first input value.
This means that if the value for the LOW level is input first, and then the HIGH level
value is input as less than the programmed LOW level, the SLH-series load module will
adjust the HIGH level to be equal to the LOW level. If the value for the HIGH level is
input first and the LOW level value is input as higher than the programmed HIGH level,
the SLH-series load module will adjust the LOW level to be equal to the HIGH level.

c. If the programmed load voltage level is over the maximum rated specification, the full

scale voltage will be sent to the load module.

d. Engineering unit for load current is Volts.
e. Please refer to Appendix for proper programming procedure of SLH-series electronic

load modules.

CV:LOW 3.0 set LOW level load voltage to 3.0 V.
CV:HIGH 45.123456 set HIGH level load voltage to 45.123456 V.


Rev C
