WaveWare API-8 Alarm Monitoring User Manual
Page 21

Setup API-8/232 to Page All Events Generated Via Host System Serial Port
1. Within the Serial Data Configuration box , Key Strings section, select Disable.
2. Enter the pager ID number in the Default ID box. All events that are delivered to the “Serial In Port” on
the API-8/232 will be sent to the pager or group of pagers that the Default ID number is assigned to.
Setup API-8/232 to Page Selected Events Generated Via Host System Serial Port
1. Within the Serial Data Configuration box , Key Strings section, select Enable.
2. Enter the Key Word(s) from the first type of event that is to be paged in the Key String 1 (and/or Key
String 2) box. Enter the Pager ID in the ID field for Event Type 1. All events that are delivered to the
“Serial In Port” on the API-8/232 that contain the ASCII character string(s) specified in the Key String 1
and Key String 2 , fields will be sent to the pager or group of pagers assigned in the Event Type 1, ID
3. Repeat for Key String Fields 2 through 8 if required.
API-8/232 is case sensitive. Incoming data from the host system that is to be paged must contain
Key Strings that are an identical match for the words programmed in the Key String fields.
When the Key String box is Enabled any events that are delivered to the “Serial In Port” on the API-
8/232 that do not contain any of the ASCII character strings specified in any of the Key String fields,
will be discarded and not paged.
When two Keywords are used as search criteria to identify a valid Event String, both the First Key
String and the Second Key String must be found in the incoming data string for API-8/232 to
identify the string as valid (to be paged).
Setup API-8/232 to Identify the End of Each Incoming ASCII String from the Host System
1. Within the Ending ASCII Configuration box , select the first ASCII character that identifies the end of
an incoming ASCII string generated by the host system from the menu in box 1.
2. Repeat for Ending ASCII boxes 2,3 and 4 to define the ASCII characters which define the end of an
event that is generated by the host system.
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