Profibus dp slave communication module dvppf02-h2, 5 gsd file – Delta Electronics DVPPF02-H2 User Manual

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PROFIBUS DP Slave Communication Module DVPPF02-H2

DVP-PLC Application Manual



Write the content in D10 and D11 into CR#3 and CR#4 of special module No.0. Only 1

datum is written in at a time (n = 1).








Operand rules:


:The No. of special modules connected to PLC MPU. No. 0 is the module

closest to the MPU. Max. 8 modules are allowed to connected to a PLC MPU and

they will not occupy any I/O points.


:Start CR#. CR (control register) is the 16-bit memory built in the special

module, numbered in decimal as #0 ~ #n. PLC MPU reads or writes data in the

CR by DFROM/DTO instruction.

3. DFROM and DTO are 32-bit instructions, reading or writing 2 CRs at a time.

C R #10

C R #9

L owe r 1 6- bi t

D esignated C R number

Hi gh er 16 -b it

4. Number of data “n” to be transmitted: Due to that DFROM/DTO instruction is

32-bit instruction, the actual number of data read/written should be n×2. The

example below is when n = 3.

D 0

D 1

D 2

D 3

D 4

D 5

CR #5

CR #6

CR #7

CR #8

CR #9

CR #10

Des ignate d dev ic e Designate d CR

32-bit i ns tr uction when n=3

M1083 for switching instruction modes in DVP-EH2 series PLC MPU:

1. When M1083 = Off, during the execution of DFROM/DTO, all external and timer

interruption subroutines will be forbidden. The interruptions within are allowed

only after DFROM/DTO finishes its execution. DFROM/DTO CAN also be used in

an interruption subroutine.

2. When M1083 = On, during the executino of DFROM/DTO, the interruption

occurring will be processed first (with a 100us delay), and the execution of

DFROM/DTO will be stopped. After the interruption subroutine finishes its

execution, the program will jump to the next instruction. Besides, DFROM/DTO

CANNOT be used in an interruption subroutine.



GSD file is a text file for identifying PROFIBUS DP device (master or slave). GSD file contains required

information on configuring a PROFIBUS DP slave on a standard PROFIBUS DP master, including information

on the supplier, baud rates supported, I/O signals available. GSD file is the basic tool recording the parameters