DekTec DTM-3200 IP-ASI Converter User Manual
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DTM-3200 – OEM Ethernet TSoIP Converter
User Manual
the DTM-3200 to become unresponsive
DTM-3200 does not generate an I2C error response when an incorrect
command has been issued
DIP switches #3 and #4 have no effect when used to set I2C slave address
An I2C master has to wait at least 10ms between issuing a command and trying
to read the response
Changes affecting customer design:
The I2C read behavior has changed: The DTM-3200 will always acknowledge
its address when a read-cycle is initiated. When there is no data available to
return to the master, zeroes will be returned. This also means that zeroes are
appended to a message when the master reads more bytes than available
The firmware update ASCII encoding (does not apply to I2C) has been altered
and is incompatible with previous versions, including older failsafe firmware
Enabling the DHCP client by writing an IP address with value is no
longer supported. Writing will result in an error-response, since it is an
incorrect fixed IP address. The user should use the DHCP-enable setting instead
Every message sent by the DTM-3200 on the RS-XXX port now uses uppercase
ASCII characters. Users checking for lowercase characters should change this to
uppercase. e.g. "3A" instead of "3a", "R" instead of "r"
Other changes:
Added 'VBR' mode, category 0x81, setting 0x16, data 0x03
Changed behavior of the DHCP enable setting (category 0x03, setting 0x04)
Added 'Volatile Storage' setting (category 0x02, setting 0x03), giving the user the
option to choose between RAM or FLASH storage of settings
Added checking for 'r' and 'R' in the read/write-field of a command message.
Previously any character other than 'w' or 'W' would result in a read reply
Added protocol checks for incorrect settings; these will result in an 'E' reply
Removed automatic reboot at the end of the firmware update process
Firmware update speed has been improved, compressed programming files are
now supported and ASCII encoding has been altered
MPEG null packets (PID 8191) are now ignored when scanning for PCRs, to
prevent incorrect detection of PCRs resulting in lock errors
2010.03.31 Initial release to the field