5 firmware upgrade, 1 firmware upgrade - phases – DekTec DTM-3200 IP-ASI Converter User Manual
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DTM-3200 – OEM Ethernet TSoIP Converter
User Manual
4.5 Firmware upgrade
4.5.1 Firmware upgrade - Phases
Updating the firmware of the device consists of three phases:
1. Uploading the file. The file has to be uploaded in “parts”, one part at a time. This involves the
following steps:
a. Abort previous file upload, if any. This remove a previous uploads and gets the DTM-3200
into a default state.
b. Set ‘Number of parts’: Write the number of parts of the file to upload.
c. Set ‘Part size’: Write the size of each part in number of bytes.
d. Set ‘Remaining’: Write the size of the last part, this is the size of the remainder of the file
after all ‘full’ parts have been uploaded.
e. Upload file parts: Check the index number of the last uploaded part and send the next
2. The actual flashing of the device firmware, as follows:
a. Start the device update. The uploaded file is read from RAM and programmed in the flash
memory of the DTM-3200.
b. (Optional) Get progress. Read the progress of programming the flash as a percentage
c. Check for update errors (category 0x80, setting 0x06: 0=no error, 1=error)
Warning: Do not power off the device while flash programming is in progress.
3. When flashing the firmware is complete, the DTM-3200 should be rebooted to make the
upgrade effective. A reboot of the device is initiated by writing 1 to the 'Reboot' setting
(category 0x03, setting 0x05), or by a power cycle.
Note: In package versions up to v1.3, the DTM-3200 is rebooted automatically after completing a
firmware update.
After the device has been updated and rebooted, the controller may check the status of the
device/firmware using a combination of the following settings:
Check the application. Category “configuration settings”, setting “application” indicates
whether the device is in normal operation mode or in failsafe mode. If the device was in
normal operation mode and reboots in failsafe mode, the current application firmware is
corrupt. See section 4.5.3 for more information about failsafe mode.
Check the package version. Category “device settings”, setting “package version” shows the
version number of the current package.