Installation steps – CRU Forensic UltraDock v4 User Manual
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F o r e n s i c U l t r a D o c k v 4 U s e r M a n u a l ( A 9 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 1 4 ) R E V 1 . 6
- 4 -
IDE interface
Rear of hard drive
2. Installation Steps
2.1 Attach a Bottom Plate
Attach bottom plate to your 3.5” hard drive. This step is optional but
recommended. The purpose of the bottom plate is to provide protection to
your drive electronics and aid heat dissipation. Attach the bottom plate to
your drive using the four screws supplied. Attach a rubber bumper to each
corner. Extra bottom plates are available from WiebeTech (p/n BPLATE).
2.2 Jumper Configuration for 3.5-inch IDE/PATA HDD
Use with a 3.5-inch IDE/PATA drive requires a certain jumper configuration. The drive must be set to the
Master setting. Consult the instructions for your drive (some drives display configuration information on
the drive’s label). A few drives have both “Master with Slave Present” and “Master without Slave” options.
Choose the latter in this case. In rare cases, if the Master setting does not work then try Cable Select.
2.3 Hard Drive Attachment
2.3.1 IDE/PATA: 3.5-inch
Attach the free end of the IDE ribbon cable to the back of the hard
drive. The connector is keyed to insert only one way. The IDE pins
on the hard drive are fragile, so be very careful when inserting or
removing the IDE connector.
Attach the 4-pin power connector from the dock (“I” above) into the
back of the hard drive. As with the IDE cable, the power connector
will only fit one way.
2.3.2 SATA HDD: 3.5-inch & 2.5-inch
Take the SATA power/data cable and attach the 4-wire power input
to the 4-wire power output from the dock. Attach the SATA data
cable to the SATA slot on Forensic UltraDock. Plug the SATA
data/power connector into the drive.