Altera SDC and TimeQuest API User Manual

Page 159

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Chapter 2: SDC and TimeQuest API Package and Commands



© December 2009

Altera Corporation

SDC and TimeQuest API Reference Manual

-to : Valid destinations (string patterns are matched using Tcl string matching)

-to_clock : Valid destination clocks (string patterns are matched using Tcl
string matching)


Reports the worst-case paths and associated slack.

Use the "-setup", "-hold", "-recovery", or "-removal" options to specify which kind of analysis should be

The report can be directed to the Tcl console ("-stdout", default), a file ("-file"), the TimeQuest graphical
user interface ("-panel_name"), or any combination of the three.

You can limit the analysis performed by this command to specific start and end points, using the "-from"
and "-to" options. The anlaysis can be further limited to clocks using the "-from_clock" and "-to_clock"
options, or to specific edges of the clock using the "-rise_from_clock", "-fall_from_clock", "-rise_to_clock",
and "-fall_to_clock" options. Additionally, the "-through" option can be used to restrict analysis to paths
which go through specified pins or nets.

Use "-npaths" to limit the number of paths to report. If you do not specify this option, only the single
worst-case path is provided. Use the "-less_than_slack" option to limit output to all paths with slack less
than the specified value, up to the number specified by "-npaths".

Use "-nworst" to limit the number of paths reported for each unique endpoint. If you do not specify this
option, the number of paths reported for each destination node is bounded only by the "-npaths" option. If
this option is used, but "-npaths" is not specified, then "-npaths" will default to the same value specified for

Use the "-detail" option to specify the desired level of report detail. "summary" generates a single table
listing only the highlights of each path (and is the same as "-summary" option, which this replaces).
"path_only" reports the path from the source to the destination without any detail about the clock path.
Instead, the clock network delay is shown as a single number. This is the default behavior.
"path_and_clock" extends the arrival and required paths back to the launch and latch clocks. "full_path"
will continue tracing back through generated clocks to the underlying base clock.

Use the "-pairs_only" option to filter the output further, restricting the results to only unique combinations
of start and end points. This filtering is performed after the number of paths has been generated in
accordance to the "-npaths" option. As a result, there may be fewer paths displayed than specified by
"-npaths", if a particular set of start and end points appeared multiple times.

The "-show_routing" option displays detailed routing information in the path. Lines that were marked as
"IC" without the option are still shown, but only as a placeholder. The routing elements for that line are
broken out individually and listed before the line.

The "-false_path" option reports only those paths that are normally hidden by false_path assignments or
clock to clock cuts. Like the default report, this option only reports constrained paths.

The return value of this command is a two-element list. The first number is the number of paths found in
the analysis. The second is the worst-case slack, in terms of the current default time unit.

The "RF" column in the report output uses a two-letter symbol to indicate the rise/fall transition that
occurs at that point in the path.

Possible "RF" values are: