Altera SDC and TimeQuest API User Manual

Page 123

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Chapter 2: SDC and TimeQuest API Package and Commands



© December 2009

Altera Corporation

SDC and TimeQuest API Reference Manual

# Locate all of the nodes in the longest ten paths
# into the Resource Property Editor
locate [get_path -npaths 10] -rpe

# Locate ten paths into the chip planner, labelling
# each one individually.
set path_col [get_timing_paths -npaths 10]
set path_id 0

foreach_in_collection path $path_col {

incr path_id

locate -label "Path #$path_id" $path -chip


# locate all keepers that begin with the letter t
# to the Tech Map Viewer
locate [get_keepers t*] -tmv

# locate all nodes that begin with the letter a
# The TimeQuest GUI will prompt the user for the
# tool to which the nodes should be located.
# Pause first to allow the previous locations to
# appear, as the dialog that pops up, to ask
# the user for a location, will block the rest
# of the GUI until cleared.

after 5000

post_message -type info "Interactive locate"
locate a*