Altera SDC and TimeQuest API User Manual

Page 151

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Chapter 2: SDC and TimeQuest API Package and Commands



© December 2009

Altera Corporation

SDC and TimeQuest API Reference Manual

Use the "-pairs_only" option to filter the output further, restricting the results to only unique combinations
of start and end points. This filtering is performed after the number of paths has been generated in
accordance with the "-npaths" option. As a result, there may be fewer paths displayed than specified by
"-npaths", if a particular set of start and end points appeared multiple times.

Use the "-summary" option to generate a single table listing only the highlights of each path.

The "-min_path" option will find the minimum delay path(s) rather than the maximum delay paths which
is the default behavior.

The "-show_routing" option will display detailed routing information in the path. Lines that were marked
as "IC" without the option will still be shown, but only as a placeholder. The routing elements for that line
will be broken out individually and listed before the line.

The return value of this command is a two-element list. The first number is the number of paths found in
the analysis. The second is the longest delay, in terms of the current default time unit.

The values of the "-from", "-to", "-through" options are either collections or a Tcl list of wildcards used to
create collections of appropriate types. The values used must follow standard Tcl or TimeQuest-extension
substitution rules. See the help for use_timequest_style_escaping for details.


project_open my_project

# Always create the netlist first
read_sdc my_project.sdc

# Report path delay between nodes "foo" and "bar",
# reporting the longest delay if a path is found.

set my_list [report_path -from foo -to bar]
set num_paths [lindex $my_list 0]
set longest_delay [lindex $my_list 1]
if { $num_paths > 0 } {

puts "Longest delay -from foo -to bar is $longest_delay"


# The following command is optional
