Locate, Locate –112 – Altera SDC and TimeQuest API User Manual
Page 122

Chapter 2: SDC and TimeQuest API Package and Commands
SDC and TimeQuest API Reference Manual
© December 2009
Altera Corporation
locate [-chip] [-color
-chip: Locate the object in the Chip Planner
color to be used to identify the objects you are locating
-cps: Locate the object in the Critical Path Settings dialog of the Chip Planner
-rpe: Locate in the Resource Property Editor
-tmv: Locate the object in the Technology Map Viewer
keepers, registers, etc) may be located by passing a reference to the corresponding
collection or object.
Locate an object from TimeQuest in another Quartus II tool.
With this command, one or more objects, or collections of objects, can be located in a supported Quartus
tool from TimeQuest.
The destination can be specified with one of the following options:
The -label option can be used to specify a label for the located objects. The -color command can be used to
specify a color to be used to identify the located objects in the destination tool.
proc prepare_design { } {
set sleep_for 2000
create_timing_netlist -risefall
post_message -type info "Give the GUI some time to catch up to the \
new netlist. Sleep for $sleep_for ms"
after $sleep_for
Destination Tool
Chip Planner
Resource Property Editor
Technology Map Viewer
Critical Path Settings Dialog of the Chip Planner