Controls - upc ddc control (optional) cont – WaterFurnace Versatec Ultra User Manual
Page 37

Port 1a is used to
communicate to the
Building Automation
System (BAS). This
port’s settings are
configured through
the onboard dip
Port 2 is used to com-
municate to the Au-
rora Base Controller
Port 1b is used for the
LonWorks plugin.
Rnet port is used
for communicating
zone sensors.
BACview or local
laptop connection.
Dip switches for
configuring the
port protocol
and baud rate
for the BAS port.
Mac address
is set by 2
rotary dials.
Aurora Touch Interface
Utilizing a touch-screen interface, the UPC provides a
technician the ability to configure and diagnose equipment
at the unit or from any room sensor for added accessibility
and simpler troubleshooting. The technician will have
full access to equipment status, parameter values,
temperature, and humidity sensing as well as access to
alarm and trend history. With website-like navigation,
the Auora Touch Interface is easy to use and provides
important insight into the system so your building can
operate as efficiently as possible.
Controls - UPC DDC Control (optional) cont.