Controls - upc ddc control (optional) – WaterFurnace Versatec Ultra User Manual
Page 35

The Aurora Unitary Protocol Converter (UPC) is designed
to add-on to any Aurora based heat pump control. The
Aurora Unitary Protocol Convertor (UPC) is designed
to allow water source heat pumps to be integrated into
Building Automation Systems (BAS) with ease. The
Aurora UPC is an integrated solution and communicates
directly with the Aurora Heat Pump Controls and allows
access/control of a variety of internal Aurora heat pump
operations such as sensors, relay operation, faults and
other information. In turn, the UPC then converts internal
Aurora Modbus protocol to BACnet MS/TP, LON, or N2
protocols and communicates to the BAS system. This
provides the great benefit of complete control integration
and a myriad of information available to the BAS from
the heat pump control. Plus it also allows individual unit
configuration such as ECM fan speeds or freeze protection
setting directly over the BAS without the need for access
to the actual heat pump. The Aurora UPC is programmed
using the powerful Eikon object oriented.
The Aurora UPC is implemented with the Aurora Base
Controller (ABC) heat pump control into our latest water
source heat pumps. This will allow for a BAS to integrate
and communicate to the heat pump thru a choice of 3
different communication protocols. The Aurora UPC has
the ability to communicate BACnet MS/TP, N2 open, or
LonWorks (requires LON Plugin card). This flexibility is
possible due to the onboard dipswitches which allow for the
desired protocol and baud rate to be selected in the field.
All zone temperatures and zone sensors are connected
to the UPC on an RNet bus, simplifying hook up at the
unit. RNet sensors can include a combination of zone
temperature and humidity, CO2, and VOC sensors. The
UPC includes built-in support for a custom configurable
keypad/display unit - BACview6 (4-line by 40 character
per line display) or BACview5 (2-line by 16 character per
line display). Up to 2 Keypad/display units can be mounted
remotely for configuration and troubleshooting.
There are an extensive number of points that the UPC has
available over the network for integration into the BAS.
Control programmers need to carefully determine which
points they want to add into the BAS database. A list of
the BACnet points, N2 points, and LON SNVTs are available
along with their individual point descriptions by contacting
the Commercial Solutions Group at 1-877-677-4420.
Aurora UPC Controller
ZS Series Sensors
Controls - UPC DDC Control (optional)