Waldorf Nave User Manual
Page 70

Nave User Manual
initiate are also very diverse. A common application for a
trigger is its use to start an envelope.
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a serial bus system to
connect a computer with an external device. USB equip-
ped devices can be plugged together while active. The
recognition is made automatically..
The term describes a sound’s output level.
Here: A Wave is a digitally memorized reproduction of
one single period of a periodic waveform, such as a
sawtooth wave. Insofar it is identical with a Sample that
is looped after one single wave pass.
One Wave module shape in the Nave bases on wave-
form sets, called Wavetables. Wavetables are a collec-
tion of one or more Waves. The playback sequence of
the Waves can be dynamically altered, which results in
interesting sound transformations. If the Waves in the
Wavetable are similar in shape, the result will sound
smooth and pleasant. If, however, the shapes are com-
pletely different, the result will have wild spectral chan-
ges and may sound harsh.