Waldorf Nave User Manual
Page 29

The Controls
Nave User Manual
was once run through. After releasing the note,
phase of the envelope starts.
is identical to AD Loop. As soon as
the Release phase starts, the loop will go on.
The Filter and Amp envelopes offer a switchable charac-
teristic for every single phase. Sustain does not offer
phase characteristic because it would not make sense for
a rate based parameter.
Linear (Lin)
switches the corresponding envelo-
pe phase to linear.
(only Attack phase) simulates an analogue
circuit and delivers a convex attack envelope
Exponential (Exp)
switches the corresponding
envelope phase to exponential.
The envelopes offers a single trigger function
(Sngl Trig). It works in Mono mode only,
which can set up on the "Mod & Keys" menu
When Mono mode is deactivated,
every note starts the envelope of its own voice,
also when played legato.
When Mono mode is activated, the envelopes of
all voices of a selected patch behave like a single
envelope. This common envelope starts as soon
as the first note is played. The sustain level
remains until the last note is released. Afterwards
the release phase is active.