Waldorf Nave User Manual
Page 17

The Controls
Nave User Manual
Beside the additional representation options there are
more interesting functions:
Pay attention! You have now entered the most
creative section of Nave!
The Tools Buttons
Tap on tools to open a pop-up menu for creating and
exporting your own wavetables. The following options
are available:
Talk allows you to enter one or more words with
the virtual input keyboard of your iPad. These
words will be automatically synthesized as a new
Analyze Audio from: enables you to select and im-
port a WAV file with any sample rate and bit rate
from the Beatmaker pasteboard (BM Pasteboard),
the Sonoma pasteboard (Sonoma Pasteboard) or
your iTunes Folder. This audio file will be automa-
tically synthesized as a new wavetable.
Export Wavetable exports the current wavetable to
your iTunes Folder. This enables you to exchange
your own created wavetables with other Nave
users. By using Rename you can rename your
wavetable before the export process. A deeper ex-
planation of the iTunes Folder can be found in the
manual appendix.