Waldorf Nave User Manual
Page 25

The Controls
Nave User Manual
Determines the amount of influence the
filter envelope has on the cutoff frequency.
For positive settings, the filter cutoff fre-
quency is increased by the modulation of
the envelope, for negative settings, the
cutoff frequency is decreased. Use this
parameter to change the timbre of the sound over time.
Sounds with a hard attack usually have a positive enve-
lope amount that makes the start phase bright and then
closes the filter to get a darker sustain phase. String
sounds, on the other hand, usually use a negative enve-
lope amount that gives a slow attack before the cutoff
rises in the sustain phase.
Env Velocity
Determines the amount of influence the
filter envelope has on the cutoff frequency,
based on key velocity. This parameter works
similarly to the Envelope parameter with
the difference that its intensity is velocity
based. Use this feature to give a more ex-
pressive character to the sound. When you hit the keys
smoothly, only minimal modulation is applied. Hitting
them harder, the modulation amount also gets stronger.
The overall modulation applied to the filter’s cutoff
frequency is calculated as the sum of both the Enve-
and Env Velocity parameters. Therefore you
should always bear this total in mind, especially
when the filter does not behave as you expect. You
can also create interesting effects by setting one pa-
rameter to a positive and the other to a negative
Filter Response Graph
Tap into the graphic display to simultaneously edit Cutoff
(horizontally) and Resonance (vertically).