Axess elite user manual – SurgeX SX-AX20E User Manual
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Axess Elite
User Manual
Firmware Version v1.06.227
Network Setup
IP Setup
Specifies whether to use Static or DHCP mode.
IP Address
Specifies the address to be used when in Static mode, and displays the assigned address when in DHCP
Subnet Mask
Specifies the subnet mask to be used when in Static mode, and displays the assigned mask when in DHCP
Specifies the gateway address to be used when in Static mode, and displays the assigned gateway address
when in DHCP mode.
Specifies the first DNS server address to be used when in Static mode, and displays the acquired address
when in DHCP mode.
Specifies the second DNS server address to be used when in Static mode, and displays the acquired address
when in DHCP mode.
Web HTTP Port
Specifies the port that the web server will communicate on. If the port number is changed from the default value
of 80, the Axess Elite’s web pages may be accessed by navigating to “http://IPADDRESS:PORTNUMBER”; for
example, “”.
Web HTTPS Port Specifies the port that the web server will communicate on when using secure SSL encryption.
SSL Required
Specifies whether or not the internal web server is to use secure SSL encryption.
Enable Telnet
Specifies whether or not to enable the internal telnet server.
Telnet Port
Specifies the port the internal telnet server will communicate on.
Enable Email
Specifies whether or not to enable the sending of email messages.
Email Server
Specifies the IP Address of the SMTP or ESMTP server to be used.
Login Name
Specifies the user name for the mail server.
Login Password
Specifies the password for the mail server.
Return Address
Specifies the return address of the internal email client.
Auto Retry
Specifies the number of retries for failed email reporting.
Test Email
Sends a test email message to the specified address.
Set Time
Specifies whether to use Manual or internet SNTP timekeeping.
SNTP Server
Specifies the address of the internet time server when using SNTP mode.
Time Zone Offset Specifies the time zone the Axess Elite is in.
Specifies whether or not to automatically adjust for Daylight Savings Time
DST Start Date
Specifies the Month, Week, Day, and Time that DST starts.
DST Stop Date
Specifies the Month, Week, Day, and Time that DST ends.
Manual Time Set Specifies the starting date and time when using Manual mode.