Autoping, Vi. web server, Continued) – SurgeX CM-1115-RT-AR User Manual
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CM-1115(20)-RT-AR User Manual
Page 14
VI. Web Server
The AutoPing feature allows the AR to automatically detect failed equipment and perform a
timed reboot or other power control function (like turning on an indicator or siren). First
specify one or two IP addresses to be periodically pinged. When the AR no longer receives a
response from these addresses, the programmed power control function is actuated. AND or
OR logic can be applied to the two addresses, so that both (AND) or either (OR) must fail in
order to trigger the selected action.
Server monitor: AR is installed with the device
it monitors and automatically reboots if there is
no response. Ideal for Kiosks and Servers.
Service monitor: AR is installed with the
device to be rebooted, but pings a remote host
to test the communication channel. Ideal for
DSL/Cable Modem verification.
AR monitors a network device, and powers up
an alarm or redundant system when there is no
response. Ideal for Hot Standby Servers,
Environmental Control, Alert for any network
• IP Address 1 and 2: Enter the IP address(es) of the device(s) to be pinged.
• Frequency 1 and 2: Enter the desired ping frequency in seconds for the device(s) to be pinged
(1-999 seconds).
• Fail Count 1 and 2: Enter the number of times the ping must consecutively fail (1-999) before
the selected action is triggered.
• Mode: Select the logic to be used (AND, OR, or Single). With AND logic, both AutoPings
must exceed their fail count to trigger the action. With OR logic, the action will be triggered if
either AutoPing exceeds its fail count. With Single, only AutoPing 1 is used