Important information – Laerdal SimMan Essential User Manual

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Important Information

Follow the instructions below when working with the SimMan Essential or the SimMan Essential Bleeding manikins, in order to maintain
optimum performance and longevity of both manikins and their components.

general Manikin hanDling
The manikin should be operated by trained personnel only. During simulation, treat the manikin as you would a real patient.

• To maintain manikin skins, wash hands before use and place the manikin on a clean surface.

• Wear gloves as required during simulation scenarios.

• Use only Laerdal Airway Lubricant in the manikin airways. Do not spray airway lubricant into the manikin. Lubricate tools only.

prevent StainS on Manikin SkinS
Avoid using colored plastic gloves as they may discolor manikin skin. Do not use felt-tipped markers, ink pens, acetone, iodine or other
staining medications near the manikin. Take care not to place the manikin on newsprint or colored paper. Staining may be permanent.

Wait until the manikin has reached room temperature before switching the manikin ON.

tranSportation anD Storage
The manikin is heavy - Ensure that the manikin is properly secured during transportation to prevent personal injury or damage to the

anti-virUS anD fireWallS (SoftWare for eSSential)
The manikin and PCs are not supplied with anti-virus programs. Windows firewall is activated by default. It is the customer’s responsibility
to protect the simulation system and components from unauthorized access.

The manikin will revert to factory settings each time it is switched off.

The customer should install all recommended Windows updates from Microsoft. General security measures should be taken before
browsing the internet.

file SecUrity anD BackUp of Data
The customer is responsible for file security and backup routines for all simulation session data. All use and storage of simulation session
data should be in accordance with local rules, regulations or laws, and is the sole responsibility of the customer.

SimMan Ess DFU_RevF.indd 8

18.07.12 13:51