Maintenance – Laerdal SimMan Essential User Manual
Page 71
Maintenance after each SiMulation SeSSion
The following preventive measures are required to ensure longevity of the SimMan Essential and SimMan Essential Bleeding manikin.
after every Simulation Session
IV-arm system (manikin power on)
After each session where the IV-arm has been used, flush the IV arm with 60% Isopropanol alcohol or 70% ethanol.
See Cleaning the IV Arm.
Power off the manikin and Pcs
Charge batteries if necessary.
Wipe the skin with a moist cloth
Wipe the skin with a moist cloth to remove stains. Remove wet clothes or linens. Glue residue from the wound module tapes may be
removed with a moist cloth or Laerdal Manikin Wipes.
General clean-up
• Return manikin and PCs to original state
Single use modules
Based on the use of the manikin, replace modules that are spent or damaged:
• Cricothyrotomy: Crico-tape and neck-skin
• Chest drain module pleura
• IO-modules (tibia and sternum)
Multiple-use modules
• IV-catheter
• Pneumothorax bladders
• Chest rise bladders
• Lung bladders
• Manikin skins (body, legs, arms)
• Urine tank
Before Storage or Shipping
Flush the IV arm with water and clean the blood system with a solution of 60% Isopropanol alcohol or 70% ethanol.
Detach the manikin’s legs from teh torso and pack into the transport cases as illustrated in Manikin Setup.
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18.07.12 14:19