Laerdal SimMan Essential User Manual
Page 5

Use of the SimMan Essential and SimMan Essential Bleeding patient simulation system to train personnel should be undertaken
under supervision of suitably trained medical personnel with an understanding of educational principles as well as recognized medical
protocols. As with all manikins or other such training devices there may be approximations, variations and inaccuracies in anatomical
features and the physiological modeling. This being the case, Laerdal does not guarantee that all features are completely accurate.
gloBal Warranty
See the Laerdal Global Warranty, or see
patentS penDing
US and International patents pending.
coUntry of origin
SimMan Essential and SimMan Essential Bleeding are made in Norway
Printed in Norway
Manufactured by Laerdal Medical AS
Tanke Svilandsgate 30
P.O. Box 377
4002 Stavanger
SimMan Ess DFU_RevF.indd 5
18.07.12 13:51
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- ALS Simulator Advanced (1 page)
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- Baby Arti (8 pages)
- Baby Hippy (8 pages)
- Baby Stap (8 pages)
- Baby Umbi (8 pages)
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- Infant IV Leg (8 pages)
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