Hall Research CNT-IP-2 User Manual

Page 19

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Provides a brief description of what the action does.
Enables or disables an action.
Delete Action
Permanently deletes an action
Other Actions
Inserts previously defined actions into the action being edited. This gives

advanced capability to create daisy chained actions. Care should be taken to

prevent actions calling themselves and constantly repeating in an endless

Time Delay
Inserts a delay to wait before executing the next command in the action

Serial Port
Select which serial port to transmit the serial string.
Serial String
Used for inserting the actual serial command to be transmitted. Hexadecimal

codes may be inserted and must begin with &h followed by a hexadecimal

code. For example, a carriage return can be inserted by appending the

command with &h0d. (both uppercase and lowercase work)
Button LED
Selects which button LED to control.
Choose to turn LED on, off, or blink. (ON and BLINK are the same in the

web interface).
Action Command List
This box shows the individual commands that make up the entire action

sequence. Commands are inserted into the list in the order they are added,

top to bottom. Commands can be reordered by clicking and dragging them to

a new position. Commands can be deleted by clicking the trash can symbol.

Click the “Clear” button to delete all the contents of the action.