Hall Research EM-EDID-HD15-P User Manual
Em-edid-hd15(-p) pass-through vga edid emulator, 0 introduction, 0 features

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UMA1147 Rev H
Pass-Through VGA EDID Emulator
1.0 Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the Hall Research
EM-EDID-HD15. This device is used to
emulate a high resolution LCD when plugged
into the PC. The video signal passes through
the unit; however, the EDID (plug-n-play
information) is emulated and not passed
through the device.
2.0 Features
Perfect for use with splitters,
switches and extenders.
Allows PC to 'see' an LCD in
absence of DDC channel
(common problem with
Can be powered from VGA input
(if source is VESA compliant)
Power indicator LED lets user
know if external power supply is
Small size
If source does not have power
output, external power supply
may be connected
Can be used alone or as pass-
Passes RGB and Sync signals
with no loss
Ships with default EDID that has
most common resolutions
Can be programmed with other
resolutions (separate
programmer needed)
3.0 Installation
The EDID emulator connects between the video source (the device that
needs to read the EDID) and an optional display device. There is a green LED
on the EDID emulator that indicates the unit has 5 vDC applied. If the green
LED does not illuminate, then either a different cable (one that has Pin 9) or
a power supply will be required.