Hall Research CNT-IP-2 User Manual

Page 12

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Web Enabled Serial Controller


Serial Port Log
This window shows all data received

4.4.3 Control Tab

from either RS232 port. The data is

shown in both HEX and ASCII formats. Data only accumulates in this

window when the log is actually open. Data from each RS232 port is shown

in different colors.

The Control Page is where the actual system user would control the CNT-IP-

2 device. The Control page is dynamically created based on Systems Button,

Page and Group configurations and is updated in real-time even if changes

are made from another connected web client.
The Control Tab example shows the default button groups and labels as

shipped. All groups and buttons on the Control page are customizable and

can be renamed, removed, or modified.
For example if you want to control another device like a projector via RS232

then you would first create actions for each of the desired commands and

then assign those actions to the buttons (ie: Power, VGA1, Mute) and group

them under a descriptive heading.
The default configuration has an appropriate action already setup for each of

the default buttons. The user only needs to add the appropriate RS232

command or sequence to each of the necessary actions.
If more than one PAGE has been defined, extra TABs’ with the defined

PAGE names will appear and buttons assigned to those Pages appropriately.
Clicking a button causes that buttons assigned action to occur (like sending

out a serial string to a projector). The button also reacts according to its

assigned behavior.