Introduction, Installation – Glow-worm Clearly Heat Pumps - Standalone Module System User Manual

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System appliance installation


Recommendations before installing


Heating circuit design


The heat transmitters may be low temperature (eg underfl oor
heating or high temperature (radiator...).

The pipe sections are to be determined using a fl ow / pressure
curve (refer to the chapter

"Activating the control unit"

Commissioning ► Heating circuit adjustment"). The distribution
will be determined by the fl ow corresponding to the power
actually required, regardless of the maximum power that can be
provided by the installation’s generators.


We recommend that you allow for suffi cient fl ow
to ensure that the temperature difference between
the fl ow and the return is equal to 7 K for fl oor
heating and 15 K for radiators.


Make sure the heating circuit water fl ow is greater
than 900 l / h.

Installation pipework must be designed and installed to ensure
venting of air from the system is possible.


TRVs must be fi tted on all radiators, with the
exception to reference rooms.

The total volume of water for the heating circuit depends,
among other factors, on the cold static load of the Hydraulic
module's expansion vessel.


The heating system volume should be calculated to
ensure that the expansion vessel is suitable, it may
be necessary to add an additional vessel.

- In GB, Guidance on vessel sizing is also given in the current

issue of BS5449 and BS7074 Part 1.

Il est recommandé de prévoir un robinet de vidange au point le
plus bas de l’installation.

- Drain taps shall be to the current issue of BS2879.

It is recommended that a drainage valve be installed at the
lowest point of the installation.

- Drain taps shall be to the current issue of BS2879.

• Install the following components in the return of the heating

circuit (not supplied):
- a heating fi lter
- a ¼ turn shut-off valve,
- an air separator (if necessary),
- an anti-sludge fi lter (if necessary).

• In the case of a heated fl oor, install a manual reset overheat

safety device (55°C) on the heating circuit fl ow (refer to the

Chapter - System description). Connect the overheat safety
device to the electric supply for the module circuit board
(refer to the module installation manual).

Water treatment

Existing system

- It is essential that prior to installing the new

appliances the system is thoroughly fl ushed.

New system

- For optimum performance after installation, the

appliances and its associated central heating system should
also be fl ushed.

Flushing shall be carried out in accordance with BS 7593, a
chemical cleanser can be used either Sentinel X300, X400 or
Fernox F3 are suitable.

It is recommended to fl ush existing systems fi rst before fi tting
the new appliances.

• Ensure all cleanser is removed from the whole system before

adding an inhibitor.

For long-term corrosion protection after fl ushing, an inhibitor
suitable for stainless steel heat exchangers can be used. Either
Sentinel X100 or Fernox F1 inhibitor can be used.

The module is suitable for use on systems using softened water.


Heat pump circuit design

Installation pipework must be designed and installed to ensure
venting of air from the system is possible.


Make sure the circuit’s water fl ow corresponds
to the appliance’s nominal water fl ow.

• Install the following components to the hydraulic module, in

the direction of the heat pump (not supplied):
- a fi lter,
- a ¼ turn shut –off valve on each side of the fi lter,

• Install a ¼ turn shutoff valve in the fl ow of the heat pump.


In order to avoid the transmission of vibrations to
surrounding structures, use hoses for the hydraulic
connections at least 1 metre from the heat pump.


Insulate the pipes with an UV- and high-
temperature-resistant insulation.


Domestic hot water circuit design

Water pressure

The maximum working pressure of the domestic hot water
circuit is 10 bar. If the cold water supply pressure exceeds this,
then a pressure-reducing valve must be fi tted in the supply to
the boiler.

‘Hard’ water areas

In areas where the water is ‘hard’ (i.e. more than 200 mg/L
of calcium carbonate), it is recommended that the hot water
setting is reduced and that a scale reducer is fi tted, refer to the
manufacturer’s instructions or consult the local water company
for additional advice.