12 commissioning – Glow-worm 23c User Manual
Page 21

12 Commissioning
• Leave cap on automatic air vent on top
of pump open.
Ins 061a
• Bleed each radiator to remove air, ensure all
bleed screws are re-tightened.
• If necessary repressurise the system, refer to
procedure 4
• Ensure the display indicates a system pressure
of 1.5 bar adjust if necessary.
Ins 062a
• Open various hot water taps to bleed system
• Adjust heating temperature to maximum .
• Check that any external controls, if fitted, are calling for heat
(set room thermostat to maximum).
• Allow the temperature to rise to the maximum value, with all
radiator valves open. The temperature rise will cause release
of the gases contained in the water of the central heating
• Gases driven towards the boiler will be automatically released
through the automatic air vent.
• The gases trapped at the highest point of the system must be
released by bleeding the radiators. Check the burner gas rate
required, ten minutes from lighting. Refer to Data Label on
electrical controls box. Should there be any doubt about the
gas rate it should be checked at the meter.
On reaching maximum temperature, the boiler should be
turned off and the system drained as rapidly as possible whilst
still hot.
• Refill system to a pressure of between 1 and 2 bar and vent
as before.
• Restart boiler and operate until a maximum temperature is
reached. Shut down boiler and vent heating system. If necessary,
top up heating system and make sure that a pressure of at least
1 bar is indicated when system is COLD.
Flush the domestic hot water system by opening the hot water
taps for several minutes.
Remove the magnetic lighting instructions label from the
document envelope and position it on the surface of the boiler
Instruct the User
Instruct and demonstrate the lighting procedure and advise the
user on the safe and efficient operation of the boiler.
Instruct on and demonstrate the operation of any heating
system controls.
Advise the user on the use and maintenance of any scale
reducer and pass on any relevant instructional documents.
Advise that to ensure the continued efficient and safe operation
of the boiler it is recommended that it is checked and serviced
at regular intervals. The frequency of servicing will depend upon
the installation conditions and usage, but in general, once a
year should be enough.
Draw attention, if applicable, to the current issue of the Gas
Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations, Section 35, which
imposes a duty of care on all persons who let out any property
containing a gas appliance.
It is the Law that any servicing is carried out by a competent
Advise the user of the precautions necessary to prevent damage
to the system, boiler and the building, in the event of the heating
system being out of use during frost or freezing conditions.
Advise the user that the permanent mains electrical supply
SHOULD NOT be switched off, as the built in frost protection
and pump saver program would not be operable.
Reminder, leave these instructions and the ‘Benchmark’ logbook
with the user.