Installing ramp guards, Fig. 29, Fig. 30 – EZ-ACCESS TITA MODULAR ACCESS SYSTEM User Manual

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Ramp guards come in left and right pairs and are not interchangeable from side-to-side. For all ramp
sections other than the starter section:

6.1.1 Install the Ramp Guard Post Spacers over the 5/16”-18 studs protruding from the

brackets previously installed on the ramp section with the long end of the spacer pointing
up (FIG 29).

6.1.2 Attach the ramp guard to the ramp section by positioning the lower holes in the ramp

guard posts over the studs.

6.1.3 Once the guard is in place, place a 5/16”-18 nuts and 5/16” flat washers on each stud.

Take up play with the nuts but do not tighten (this will help with alignment during handrail


For the starter section, two of the three guard vertical posts are installed in the same manner.
Secure the lowermost post using a 5/16”-18” x 2 3/4” carriage bolt inserted thru the holes in the
ramp side rail and secured with a 5/16”-18 nut and 5/16” flat washer (FIG 30).

FIG. 29

FIG. 30