Project #113 light & sounds, Project #114 more light & sounds, Project #116 more light & sounds (iii) – Elenco Projects 102-305 User Manual

Page 13: Project #117 more light & sounds (iv), Project #115 more light & sounds (ii)

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OBJECTIVE: To build a police siren with light.

Turn on the slide switch (S1). A police siren is heard and the lamp
(L1) lights.

Project #114

More Light &


OBJECTIVE: To show a
variation of the circuit in
project #113.

Modify the last circuit by
connecting points X & Y. The
circuit works the same way but
now it sounds like a machine gun.

OBJECTIVE: To show a
variation of the circuit in
project #113.

Project #116

More Light &

Sounds (III)

OBJECTIVE: To show a
variation of the circuit in
project #113.

Project #117

More Light &

Sounds (IV)

OBJECTIVE: To show a
variation of the circuit in
project #113.

Project #113

Light & Sounds

Project #115

More Light &

Sounds (II)

Now remove the connection
between X & Y and then make a
connection between T & U. Now
it sounds like a fire engine.

Now remove the connection
between T & U and then make a
connection between U & Z. Now
it sounds like an ambulance.

Now remove the connection
between U & Z, then place the


F capacitor (C5) between T

& U (“+” side to T). The sound
changes after a few seconds.

To learn more about how circuits work, visit or page 74 to find out about our Student Guides.