Introduction – Echelon Neuron C User Manual

Page 60

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This chapter lists Neuron C functions, providing syntax information,

descriptions, and examples of each function. Some functions are


functions. This means they are used as if they were function calls, but they are

permanently part of the Neuron C language and are implemented by the

compiler without necessarily mapping into an actual function call. Some built-in
functions have special behaviors depending on their context and usage. The rest

of the functions are library calls. Some library calls have function prototypes in

one of the standard include files, as noted. The standard include files are:

(this file includes )



Functions not defined in any of the above include files derive their prototypes
from , an include file that is automatically incorporated in each

compilation. Except for , you must incorporate the necessary include

file (or files) to use a function. Although some of the following function
descriptions list both an include file and a prototype, you should only specify the

#include directive. The prototype is contained in the include file, and is shown

here only for reference.

The functions listed in this chapter include floating-point and extended (32-bit)

precision arithmetic support. A general discussion of the use of floating-point