Msg_alloc( ) built-in function, Syntax, Example – Echelon Neuron C User Manual

Page 132: Msg_alloc_priority( ) built-in function

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when (io_changes(io_push_button))
msec_delay(10); // Delay 10ms at any clock rate
debounced_button_state = (boolean)io_in(io_push_button);

msg_alloc( )

Built-in Function

The msg_alloc( ) built-in function allocates a nonpriority buffer for an outgoing

message. The function returns TRUE if a msg_out object can be allocated. The

function returns FALSE if a msg_out object cannot be allocated. When this
function returns FALSE, a program can continue with other processing, if

necessary, rather than waiting for a free message buffer.

See Chapter 6,

How Devices Communicate Using Application Messages,

in the

Neuron C Programmer's Guide

for more information about application messages.



msg_alloc (void);


void f(void)

if (msg_alloc()) {

// OK. Build and send message



msg_alloc_priority( )

Built-in Function

The msg_alloc_priority( ) built-in function allocates a priority buffer for an
outgoing message. The function returns TRUE if a priority msg_out object can be

allocated. The function returns FALSE if a priority msg_out object cannot be

allocated. When this function returns FALSE, a program can continue with
other processing, if desired, rather than waiting for a free priority buffer.
See Chapter 6,

How Devices Communicate Using Application Messages,

in the

Neuron C Programmer's Guide

for more information about application messages.



msg_alloc_priority (void);


void f(void)

if (msg_alloc_priority()) {

// OK. Build and send message
