Echelon Neuron C User Manual
Page 260
I/O object type names, 91
I/O object types
optional definitions, 97
I/O objects, xx
clock value of, 103
declaration, syntax, 214
See input_is_new variable
See input_value variable
I/O type names, 97
I/O types.
See I/O object types
i2c I/O object, 92, 93, 98
idempotent transactions, 27
idempotent_duplicate_off pragma, 27
idempotent_duplicate_on pragma, 27
IEEE 754, 59
ignore_notused pragma, 27
implementation limits, 223
implementation_specific keyword, 182
implementation-specific members.
functional blocks, implementation-specific
implements keyword, 181
include files
191, 196
120, 132, 134, 143, 191
list of standard include files, 40
include_assembly_file pragma, 27
infrared I/O object, 92, 93, 102, 103
input_is_new variable
definition, 193
input_value variable, 4, 6
definition, 193
INT_MAX, 224
INT_MIN, 224
interoperable data types, 160
interrupt_control( ) function
definition, syntax and example, 87
io pin direction, 104
io_change_init( ) function, 4, 50
definition, syntax and example, 89
io_changes event, 6, 50, 89, 104, 193
definition, syntax and example, 4
reference value, 4
io_edgelog_preload( ) function, 50
definition, syntax and example, 89
io_edgelog_single_preload( ) function, 50
definition, syntax and example, 90
io_idis( ) function, 50
definition, syntax and example, 90
io_iena( ) function, 50
definition, syntax and example, 91
io_in( ) function, 51, 89, 90, 101, 193
definition, syntax and example, 91
table of return value data types by I/O
object type, 91
io_in_ready event, 51
definition, syntax and example, 5
io_in_request( ) function, 51
definition, syntax and example, 96, 100
io_out( ) function, 51
definition, syntax and example, 97
table of output value data types by I/O
object type, 97
io_out_ready event, 51, 100
definition, syntax and example, 5
io_out_request( ) function, 5, 51
definition, syntax and example, 100
io_preserve_input( ) function, 51
definition, syntax and example, 101
io_select( ) function, 51
definition, syntax and example, 101
effect on timer/counter I/O objects, 101
io_set_baud( ) function, 51
io_set_clock( ) function, 52
definition, syntax and example, 102, 103
io_set_direction( ) function, 52
definition, syntax and example, 104
io_set_terminal_count( ) function
definition, syntax and example, 105
io_types.h include file.
See include files
io_update_occurs event, 193
definition, syntax and example, 6
is_bound( ) function
definition, syntax and example, 106
leveldetect I/O object, 4, 92
libraries, system.
See system libraries
library pragma, 27
limits.h include file.
See include files
lock, 201
LonMark Association
guidelines version, 33
LonMark Association, 35
LonMark objects
definition, 180
low_byte( ) function, 44
definition, syntax and example, 107
low-power state of Neuron Chip, 135