Is_bound( ) built-in function, Syntax, Example – Echelon Neuron C User Manual

Page 126

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when (...) {
io_out(ioTriac, 0); // full off

is_bound( )

Built-in Function

The is_bound( ) built-in function indicates whether the specified network variable

or message tag is connected (bound). The function returns TRUE if the network
variable or message tag is connected, otherwise it returns FALSE.
Typically, the function is used to override error detection algorithms. Many

actuators, for example, are configured to receive updates to input network
variables periodically for new values, or for re-sent values (heartbeats). Failing

such updates for a period of time might constitude an error for such an

application, but the device cannot expect such an update if its network variables
(or message tags) are not yet bound.
The is_bound() function can be used to detect this case, and prevent entering the
error condition.
For network variables, is_bound( ) returns TRUE if the network variable selector

value is less than 0x3000. For message tags, is_bound( ) returns TRUE if the
message tag has a valid address in the address table.


boolean is_bound (




Either a network variable name or a message tag.


mtimer update_monitor;

network input cp SCPTmaxSentTime cpMaxSendTime;
network input SNVT_color nviColor nv_properties {


if (is_bound(nviColor) && nviColor::cpMaxSendTime)

update_monitor = nviColor::cpMaxSendTime * 100ul;
