Syntax, Example, Touch_reset_spu( ) built-in function – Echelon Neuron C User Manual

Page 168

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The touch_reset( ) function does not return until the end of the presence pulse

has been detected.


int touch_reset (




void f(void)

touch_reset_spu( )

Built-in Function

This function applies to 1-Wire bus devices that require the bus to be actively
held high during certain device operations. These devices require more current

than a typical external pull-up resistor can provide for device operations. An

example of such a device is the Maxim Integrated Products DS18S20 High-
Precision 1-Wire Digital Thermometer. For other 1-Wire devices, use the

standard touch_reset( ) function.
The touch_reset_spu( ) function asserts the reset pulse and returns a one (1)
value if a presence pulse was detected, or a zero (0) if no presence pulse was

detected, or a minus-one (-1) value if the 1-Wire bus appears to be stuck low. The

operation of this function is controlled by several timing constants. The first is
the reset pulse period, which is 500 μs. Next, the Neuron Chip or Smart

Transceiver releases the 1-Wire bus and waits for the 1-Wire bus to return to the

high state. This period is limited to 275 μs, after which the touch_reset_spu( )
function returns a (-1) value with the assumption that the 1-Wire bus is stuck

low. There also is a minimum value for this period: for a Series 3100 device, it
must be >4.8 μs @10 MHz, or >9.6 μs @5 MHz; for a Series 5000 device, it must

be >0.3 μs @ 80 MHz, or >4.8 μs @5 MHz.
The touch_reset_spu( ) function does not return until the end of the presence
pulse has been detected. This function ensures that the bus is not in the actively

driven high state prior to asserting the reset pulse.
You can use this function to reset the state of the bus so that you can use the
standard touch_first( ) and touch_next( ) functions.


extern int touch_reset_spu(unsigned




Specifies a single-bit representation for which I/O pins
IO0..IO7 to drive high when idle. Valid values are 0x01

(for IO0) to 0x08 (for IO7).


#define 1WIREPIN 0x02;

void f(void)