Cp_readonly_value_file_len variable, Cp_template_file variable, Cp_template_file_len variable – Echelon Neuron C User Manual
Page 213: Fblock_index_map variable, Input_is_new variable, Input_value variable
Neuron C Reference Guide
The cp_readonly_value_file_len variable contains the length of the
cp_readonly_value_file array. The type is unsigned long. See Chapter 5,
Network Variable, Configuration Property, and Message Tag Declarations
, on
page 159, for more information about configuration properties.
The cp_template_file variable contains the configuration property template file.
The configuration template file contains a definition of all configuration
properties implemented as CP family members. This is an unsigned short array.
See Chapter 5,
Network Variable, Configuration Property, and Message Tag
, on page 159, for more information about configuration properties.
The cp_template_file_len variable contains the length of the cp_template_file
array. The type is an unsigned long. See Chapter 5,
Configuration Property, and Message Tag Declarations
, on page 159, for more
information about configuration properties.
The fblock_index_map variable contains the functional block index map. The
functional block index map provides a mapping of each network variable (or, each
network variable array element in case of an array) to the functional block that
contains it, if any. The type is an unsigned short array. The length of the array
is identical to the number of network variables (counting each network variable
array element separately) in the Neuron C program.
For each network variable, the mapping array entry corresponding to that
variable’s global index (or that element’s global index) is either set to 0xFF by the
compiler if the variable (or element) is not a member of a functional block, or it is
set to the functional block global index that contains the network variable (or
element). The functional block global indices range from 0 to
-1 consecutively,
for a program containing
functional blocks. See Chapter 6,
, on page 179, for more information about functional blocks.
The input_is_new variable is set to TRUE for all timer/counter input objects
whenever a call to the io_in( ) function returns an updated value. The type of the
input_is_new variable is boolean.
The input_value variable contains the input value for an io_changes or
io_update_occurs event. When the io_changes or io_update_occurs event is
evaluated, an implicit call to the io_in( ) function occurs. This call to io_in( )
obtains an input value for the object, which can be accessed using the
input_value variable. The type of input_value is a signed long.