Echelon Neuron C User Manual

Page 264

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msg_send( ) function, 120, 125, 130, 144, 197

msg_succeeds event, 21, 131, 141, 148

comparison with resp_arrives event, 141

msg_tag keyword, 122, 130

msg_tag_index variable, 131
mtimer, 37

accuracy of, 37

and clock speed, 37
keyword, 25

multibyte characters, 240

multicast connections

and buffer use, 193

multi-character displays, 35

multi-processor architecture, 149


net_buf_in_count pragma, 195, 196

net_buf_in_size pragma, 195, 196
net_buf_out_count pragma, 194, 196, 198

net_buf_out_priority_count pragma, 194, 196,


net_buf_out_size pragma, 194, 196, 197

network buffers, 190,

See buffers

network congestion, effects of, 168
network tool, 151

initialization of configuration properties, 87

network variables, 44

advantages of, 8

alias, 189

arrays of, 47, 48

changeable type, 99
changeable-type, 68

communication model, 11

configuration properties, 84
configuration table, 188

connecting, 45, 49

declaring, 46, 47

as polled, 58

definition, 3

events, 51
example of declarations, 48

explicitly addressed, 120

how they work, 119
initial value updates, 62

initialization of, 7

limitations on name length, 13
maximum number of, 47

memory use, 175

outgoing updates, 149
pointers to, 13

polling of, 56, 65, 136, 148

examples, 57, 59


examples, 49

processing completion events, 55
propagation of, 9, 53

sharing a common address table entry, 189

size, 48

structures, 13

synchronous, 53, 54, 134, 135, 149

effects on performance, 54

updating, 54

synchronous vs. nonsynchronous, 54
syntax of, 47

updates, 47, 53, 153

scheduling of, 47

using explicit addressing to send an update,


network, storage class, 6
Neuron C

and ANSI C, differences, 13

character set, 240
compared to ANSI C, 13

declarations, 7

definition of, 2

portability issues, 238
storage classes.

See storage classes

thread of execution, 14

Neuron C compiler

command line switches, 215

Neuron C tools, 211

Neuron Chip

definition of memory page, 205

flushing messages, 166

initialization, 169
sleep mode, 166

wake up, 165

Neuron-hosted compilation, 12
neurowire I/O object, 37, 150

examples, 35

node_reset( ) function, 169
NodeBuilder project manager, 222, 229

nonauth keyword, 67

nonauthenticated keyword, 67
nonbind keyword, 122, 130

non-bindable message tags, 130

nonconfig keyword used with authentication,


non-idempotent transaction, 141

NULL, definition of, 245
num_addr_table_entries pragma, 189, 200

num_alias_table_entries pragma, 189

num_domain_entries pragma, 190
nv_in_addr variable, 65, 198

nv_len property, 74

nv_properties keyword, 93

nv_update_completes event, 20, 51, 53, 148

examples, 53

nv_update_fails event, 20, 51, 52, 148

examples, 52

nv_update_occurs event, 20, 51, 57

examples, 51

nv_update_succeeds event, 20, 50, 51, 52, 148

examples, 52


definition, 3