Echelon Neuron C User Manual

Page 107

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Neuron C Programmer’s Guide


Initialization of Configuration Properties at

You can initialize a configuration property of fixed type in its declaration. When

a network variable array is used as an array of configuration properties, the
following example could occur. Each of the four configuration properties shown

below is initialized to the value '10' (a power-up delay value is a number of


network input cp SCPTpwrUpDelay nvcp[4] = {10, 10, 10, 10};

It is

not required

to initialize the configuration property at instantiation, but this

can be useful, as explained in the following example. Assume that we want to

declare two network variables nvoA and nvoB, and we want to associate the
nvcp[0] configuration property with nvoA, and nvcp[1] with nvoB. Furthermore,

in these two instances, we want the power-up delay properties to be 5 seconds,

and 10 seconds, respectively.

We can then


the initial value in the declaration with a new initial value

in the instantiation of the property for nvoA, but take advantage of the previous

initialization of nvcp[1] to 10.

Example of Network Variable CP Initialization

network input cp SCPTpwrUpDelay nvcp[4] = {10, 10, 10, 10};

network output SNVT_volt nvoA

nv_properties { nvcp[0] = 5 };

network output SNVT_amp nvoB

nv_properties { nvcp[1] };

Extending the above example, consider another network variable array nvoC of

two members, where we use nvcp[2] and nvcp[3] as configuration properties of

nvoC[0] and nvoC[1], respectively. Also, we want these configuration properties
each initialized to 60 seconds. We can use the following declaration:

network output SNVT_count nvoC[2] = {100, 100}

nv_properties { nvcp[2] = 60 };

The nvoC network variable is an array, so the nvcp[2] property reference is

treated as a

starting point

for the compiler to perform the automatic assignment

of properties, as discussed

Configuration Properties Applying to Arrays

on page

92. The compiler automatically replicates the reference to nvcp[2], which applies

to nvoC[0], and the replication occurs for each subsequent element of the nvoC
array (nvcp[3] to nvoC[1], and so on). In this replication, the compiler also

replicates the initialization (in this case, nvcp[3] is therefore also initialized to

60). It is therefore

not possible

to have


initial values for each element's

configuration property, unless these initial values are provided with the

declaration of the configuration network variable array as shown here.
Example of Network Variable CP Initialization

network input cp SCPTpwrUpDelay nvcp[4] = {10, 20, 30, 40};

network output SNVT_volt nvoA

nv_properties { nciPwrUpDly[0] };