Echelon Rapid Deployment Example for EES User Manual

Page 32

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Using the Rapid Deployment Example


Displays the value of the data point at the time of the update. If a preset is
defined for the data point value, the preset name will be displayed instead of
the actual value.


Displays the unit string of the data point.


Displays the status of the data point at the time of the update.

In some cases, there may be more log entries within the selected range than can be displayed on
the screen at once. In this case, a warning message will be displayed, and you can use the slide
bar to browse the log entries.

6. You can use the slide bar at the top to browse the first to last updates recorded for the selected data

point. Move the slider bar to the left to display older sets of values, or move it to the right to
display the more recent values. If there are too many values within the selected range to be
displayed, a warning message appears informing you that only a subset of the data points is being

7. You can specify the time interval for which recorded data point updates are listed in the log and

displayed in the trend graph using the drop-down list directly below the slider. The default is
Entire Range, which means that the log lists the first to last data point updates recorded in the
data loggers on the SmartServer and the trend graph plots the first to last updates recorded for a
selected data point.

Note: If you use the provided Web interface as a template for your custom Web pages, you need to
open the Data Logger Web pages (logs_HVAC.htm, logs_Lighting.htm, and logs_Power.htm) on
each deployment SmartServer and update the selected Data Logger in the Data Logger properties
dialog. This is because the name of the selected Data Logger on the deployment SmartServer will be
different from the one specified in the i.LON template.

Using the Graphs Web Pages

You can use the Graphs Web pages to view real-time trend graphs for the energy consumption (in
watts), temperature, and lighting in the selected zone. To open and use the Graphs Web pages, follow
these steps:

1. Expand the Graphs entry in the navigation pane on left side of the Web interface, and then click

Power, HVAC, or Lighting.

2. The Graphs Web page opens.