Digicom COMSPHERE 3910 User Manual

Page 276

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COMSPHERE 3900 Series Modems


September 1998



data compression, 5-40

MNP5, 5-40
V.42bis, 5-40

data rate

dial line, 5-30
forced to VF rate, 5-18
leased line, 5-34

data rates. See rates
DATAKIT, 5-16, 5-20
default configuration options, 2-6–2-8, 5-1, F-2F-7
Diagnostic Connection, 5-51
diagnostic control panel (DCP)

configurations. See configuration options
description, 1-3–1-5, 3-13-2
menu tree, 3-8, A-1A-3
messages, 3-8–3-14, 4-94-10
operation, 2-6–2-7, 3-53-7, 5-55-8, 12-7
status indicators (LEDs), 3-3–3-5


access security. See Security
answering a call

auto-answer, 5-25, 11-2
manual answer, 5-25, 10-410-7, 11-3

backup, 2-4, 7-67-7, 10-1, 10-5–10-7, B-2
command modifiers, 10-8, 14-5, 14-6
DCP controlled, 10-1–10-2
manual dial. See Talk/Data
network connection, 2-4, B-4B-5
stored telephone number, 10-6–10-8, 10-9–10-10,


dial backup, automatic, 5-35
Dial Line configuration options group, 5-30–5-32
dial standby

automatic, 5-36
restoring service, 5-36
time, 5-36

Dial Tone Detect, 5-25
Dial Transmit Level, 5-31
Dialer Type, 5-25
digital loopback, 8-5–8-10
dimensions, 1-9

dial, 5-49
telephone number, 10-6–10-8, 10-9–10-10


line current, 5-27
long space, 5-27
no carrier, 5-28
no data, 5-28
options reloaded after, 5-48

disconnecting a call, 10-3–10-7
Download Software, 7-7
DSR Control, 5-13

connection, 2-4, B-3
status, 3-3–3-5, 4-7

DTE Dialer configuration options group, 5-19–5-24
DTE Dialer Type, 5-20
DTE Interface configuration options group, 5-9–5-19
DTE rate, forced to VF rate, 5-18
DTR Action, 5-12

Dual Leased Line, 5-38
dual leased–line operation. See backup, leased


EIA LEDs, 7-4–7-7

cable connection, 2-4, B-3
pin assignments, C-2
status, 3-3–3-5, 4-7

end-to-end pattern test, 8-8
environment, 1-9

customer supplied, 2-2
list, 2-1, H-1

error control, 5-39

fallback character, 5-41
Negotiate Buffer, 5-41

escape character ( + + + ), 5-21, 14-1, 14-15
Extend Main Channel, 5-19


faceplate, 1-4, 3-2
factory default configurations, 2-6–2-8, 5-1, F-2F-7
Fast Disconnect, 5-27
features, 1-1
firmware, mixed tributary, 5-51
firmware part number (FPt #), 4-6
firmware revision level (FRev), 4-6
firmware upgrades/download, 7-7
flow control

modem to modem, 5-43
of DTE, 5-42
of modem, 5-42
XON/XOFF, 5-43

frame size, maximum, 5-45
front panel. See diagnostic control panel
function keys, 3-5, 3-7, 5-8


government requirements

Canada, 1-7
United States, 1-5–1-6


handshaking sequence, 11-2, 11-3
hang up, 10-3–10-7
hardware part number (HPt #), 4-6
HDLC, 5-20, D-1
Health and Status definitions, 4-9–4-10